
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Books I'm Looking Forward to In 2017!

For the past two years I've done a post around this time (Inspired by posts Emma does each year! Here's a link to her most recent 2017 post.) to talk about what books I'm looking forward to reading the following year! Below I'm listing Middle Grade, YA, Graphic Novel, and Picture Books I'm looking forward to reading in 2017! I hope you find a new book to add to your TBR list from this post! :)

If there's a * next to a title, it means (As far as I'm able to tell.), that it is a debut book. Easier to find and support debut authors that way! :)

Listed in alphabetical order of authors last name. Links go to Goodreads.

Middle Grade:


Picture Book:

Shark Lady by Jess Keating
(There doesn't seem to be a Goodreads page for this book yet, but here's something on the authors website talking about it!)

Graphic Novel:
I have a lot of Graphic Novels for the rest of this year on my TBR, and a lot of GN's for 2018 on it, too. But apparently I just skipped over 2017? Huh. Let me know what GN's you're interested in, or that you think I might be interested in, that release in 2017, in the comments or tweet to me on Twitter, please! I want more on my TBR list! :)

What books are you looking forward to in 2017? And let me know what books you're looking forward to next year! I'm always looking for new books to add to my TBR list! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

My Three Year Blogoversary!

Today is technically not my third blogoversary. That was April 3rd, which I'm sad to admit that I forgot about. This past month (Well, this year, but I don't want to turn this into a pity post.) has been stressful, and it totally slipped my mind. But I figured there's no reason why I can't still write a blog post about it! :)

I know I haven't been posting much the past month (I just looked and the last post I wrote was March 27th, and I wasn't exactly posting a lot before that.). The reason for that is because of the stress I referenced above, but also because I was struggling with what to post. I didn't know what to post that hadn't already been done a million times, and I wasn't feeling very motivated. But I'm going to fix that! I have plans for some fun blog posts, and I'm very excited to be hosting a Middle Grade event in May with a ton of wonderful MG authors! (More on that soon!) I'm going to get more involved with the blogging world again. :)

But I wanted to write a thank you post today, to thank everyone who has stuck by my blog the past three years.

Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, followed, or in any way interacted with my blog over the years. Reading your comments and tweets make me smile! Thank you to all the wonderful bloggers and authors I've talked to because of this blog. Without this blog there are a lot of books I wouldn't have discovered without all of you! You all are totally awesome! I'm so glad that this blog has made it to three years. Here's to many more! :)

THANK YOU to everyone!!!!!!! :)