
Monday, December 31, 2018

Best Books of 2018!

I'm doing my end of year lists a little differently this year! Instead of listing all the books I enjoyed this year, I thought I would list my five favorites in each category, Picture Books, Middle Grade, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novels. (Not including rereads.) Now I want to clarify. These are not the only books I enjoyed this year! I read a lot of books in 2018, and there were a lot of good ones this year! (I'm also going to list the number of books I read in 2018 in this post, too.) But I thought it would be fun to really highlight the ones I enjoyed reading the most. It was hard to narrow down to just five per category, but I'm happy with the books I decided to list! I also have a post coming up where I will be listing my favorite movies, TV shows, and music from 2018! :)

Here we go! :)

# of Middle Grade, YA, and Adult Books Read? 70
# of Graphic Novels Read? 77
# of Picture Books Read?  83

Total # of Books Read? 230

Listed in order of the authors last name. And not all of these books released in 2018, but they were ones I read in 2018. And I tried to not repeat any authors on this list, because I could have listed more than one book per author for some of them, but for variety, am not.

Picture Books:

Middle Grade:



Graphic Novels:

I loved reading all of these books this year! 2018 was a good reading year for me, and hopefully 2019 will be equally filled with good books! What were your favorite books of 2018? :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, while remembering why we celebrate Christmas! I also hope you get to spend lots of time with your family, eat lots of good food, and that you get a good gift! :)