
Monday, December 31, 2018

Best Books of 2018!

I'm doing my end of year lists a little differently this year! Instead of listing all the books I enjoyed this year, I thought I would list my five favorites in each category, Picture Books, Middle Grade, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novels. (Not including rereads.) Now I want to clarify. These are not the only books I enjoyed this year! I read a lot of books in 2018, and there were a lot of good ones this year! (I'm also going to list the number of books I read in 2018 in this post, too.) But I thought it would be fun to really highlight the ones I enjoyed reading the most. It was hard to narrow down to just five per category, but I'm happy with the books I decided to list! I also have a post coming up where I will be listing my favorite movies, TV shows, and music from 2018! :)

Here we go! :)

# of Middle Grade, YA, and Adult Books Read? 70
# of Graphic Novels Read? 77
# of Picture Books Read?  83

Total # of Books Read? 230

Listed in order of the authors last name. And not all of these books released in 2018, but they were ones I read in 2018. And I tried to not repeat any authors on this list, because I could have listed more than one book per author for some of them, but for variety, am not.

Picture Books:

Middle Grade:



Graphic Novels:

I loved reading all of these books this year! 2018 was a good reading year for me, and hopefully 2019 will be equally filled with good books! What were your favorite books of 2018? :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, while remembering why we celebrate Christmas! I also hope you get to spend lots of time with your family, eat lots of good food, and that you get a good gift! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Top Ten Things I'm Thankful For

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl blog

The first five things on this list are definitely what I'm most thankful for, and the last five are things that make me happy, and that I am thankful for, too!

Top Ten Things I'm Thankful For

My Family

My Dog

My Home

My Town

My Health Getting Better




Disney Movies

Christmas Decorations

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a happy, safe, and good Thanksgiving! And that you get to eat lots of your favorite food! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

2019 Books!

I usually do a post in the summer talking about what books I'm looking forward to reading the following year. But this past summer was pretty busy, and I had a lot of health problems, which meant blogging had to be put to the side a little bit. And this post takes awhile to put together, which is why it's one of the things that definitely had to be put to the side at the time. But I really enjoy putting this post together, and listing what books I'm looking forward to the following year! Because if just one person finds just one book they hadn't heard of before from this post, and adds it to their TBR list, that would make me pretty happy! :)

Books are by Middle Grade, YA, and Adult. Listed in order of the authors last name. Books with a * next to them are debuts, that makes it easier to find and support them. If I got a release date, cover, or anything else wrong, I apologize. I try to keeps things accurate, but I do make mistakes. Just let me know, and I'll fix it, if I'm able to. Also! These are not the only books I'm looking forward to reading next year. Just the ones that I remembered to add to this post. And one more thing! All covers are from Goodreads, and all links go to Goodreads.

Here we go! :)

Middle Grade:



Do you want to read any of these books? And tell me what you're looking forward to reading in 2019! I'm always looking for new books to add to my TBR list! :)