
Monday, March 31, 2014

Top Ten "Gateway" Books/Authors In My Reading Journey

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

When making this post up, I decided that instead of listing authors that introduced me to a particular genre, I would list authors that have helped me be a reader my entire life, by listing authors that helped me move into each age group! :)

Top Eleven "Gateway" Authors In My Reading Journey

Board Books and Picture Books

Probably the first books I ever "read" (Had read to me!) were her books! I love all of them, but Barnyard Dance was one of my favorites! :)

The Berenstain Bears! I think most people have probably read or had them read to them, these books! I love them!

Madeline was a book I remember wanting to have read to me over and over again! And then when I got a little older, I remember reading it! :)

The Little Critter books were ones that helped me learn to read! I love them!

All of the books above I remember having my Mom read to me! :)

Beginning Reader and Middle Grade

The Little Sister books were a few of my first "real" books I read by myself! I remember getting very excited going to the library and finding the ones I hadn't read! And then when I got a little older, the Baby-Sitters Club were a few of my first "big kid" books! :)

Madison Finn was my favorite when I was younger, I love them! I remember my Mom handing me one of them and loving it, then I remember going to the bookstore and getting them when they released every time! (Fun Fact: When I was making this post, I found the authors blog and she mentioned that she is writing a new Madison Finn book! The 11 year old in me was very happy! I'm going to have to read it when it releases then! (: )

The Saddle Club books were a favorite of mine when I was younger, they were fun! The library used to not have all of them, and I remember the day a person donated the whole series to them! I was very happy to get to read them all!

Young Adult

The Christian books by her were a few of the first YA books I ever remember reading, and I love them! I don't think I ever read the final book, though. I think I need to read it! :)

Gallagher Girls! I think I read the first two GG books before I read most of the other YA books available at the time, and I'm happy I did! They have been a major part of my reading journey and I love them! :)

Graphic Novel and Manga

Not only were the Amelia Rules! books a few of the first Graphic Novels I have read, but they have been ones that have been favorites over many years now! When I read the last one last year, I may have teared up (Just like the GG books!)! I love them a lot!

I think The Palette of Twelve Secret Colors was the first Manga series I read, and if they weren't the first, they were very near to it! They were fun and I'm happy that this author was what first introduced me to Manga books! :)

All of the authors and books mentioned above have very special places in my heart and they have helped me be the reader I am today! I love them all! :)

What books have been part of your reading journey?! What authors/books are on your TTT?!


  1. I love the way you segmented your list. I loved Babysitter's Club and Bernstein Bears books when I was younger. I still have to read Ally Carter though. She's been on my TBR list for ages.

    1. Both of those books are a major part of why I love reading a lot! If you try her books, I hope you love them! Definitely one of my favorite authors ever! :)

  2. Madeline! Oh my gosh. I loved Madeline back in the day. And, I also really loved the live action movie when I was younger. Awesome TTT!

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I like the movie a lot, too! And the book! Love it a lot! :) Thank you! :)

  3. I love how you did your list by making it each age group! Of course, I'm always a fan of Ally Carter ;)

  4. LOVED the BSC books - all I read for about 2 years. Great list!

    1. They were (And are!) a favorite! Thank you! :)


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