
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

My Favorite Books of 2022!

Hi, everyone! *sings to the tune of The Christmas Waltz* "It's that tiimmmeee of yeeaarr, when the lists begin to appearrr"  It is in fact that time of year, where we all share our favorite reads of the year! 2022 was a stressful, hard year. But despite all that, I read some truly amazing books, that brought me joy. And today, I share them with all of you! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already seen these books, where over the course of last week, I posted about them. (And if you don't follow me, *wink* here's the link, I've been spending a lot more time there recently.) BUT today I share them all together here!

Now, I read so many amazing books this year, and it was really hard to narrow down these categories. But I wanted to really highlight the books I loved the absolute most this year, (and I had to make some tough cuts to get to these.), and I love how the list turned out.

Also! I only listed each author once, even though some of these people could have had multiple books here, to keep it shorter. AND not all of these books released in 2022, but I read them this year, which is how I do my favorite of the year lists.

All of these books (except for the Picture Books and Killer Research) were ARCs from publishers and/or authors, thank you so much to the respective people for the opportunity to read these books!

Now onto the books!

My Favorite Picture Books:

My Favorite Middle Grade Books:

*A 2023 release that is amazing!

*Being on the street team for this book was an honor!

My Favorite YA Books:

*2023 release that I adored!

*Another 2023 release that was absolutely amazing!

My Favorite Adult Books:

*And another 2023 release that was fantastic!

What were your favorite reads in 2022? Do we share any of the same books? :)

1 comment:

  1. ROLL FOR INITIATIVE is one I have it on hold right now and am looking forward to reading it in January! Happy New Year! :)


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