
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tea Time with Epic Reads!

If you are not watching Tea Time on Wednesdays, you are seriously missing out! It is a lot of fun and one of the highlights of my week! It's full of book nerd fun! If you watch it you know what I mean. And if you do not watch it, tomorrow is a great time to start! Because not only will there be ONE Tea Time tomorrow there will be TWO Tea Times! That's double the dose of book nerd fun! The first one tomorrow will be at 3:45 and will be the regular Tea Time. The second one will be at 7:00 and be an interview with authors Rae Carson and C. J. Redwine. You definitely need to watch! For more information about where to watch click here! And here is a graphic I made about Tea Time!

Hope you watch it!


  1. Ahhhh! I keep meaning to watch tea time but then something always pops up!!! Hopefully I'll be able to catch it next week! And once again, I LOVE YOUR GRAPHICS!!!!!

    1. You definitely need too! It's a lot of fun. Have you gone back and watched any of the videos afterwards? That's I how started watching them. And thank you!!!!! : D


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