
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

Top Ten Seven Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier

1. My library
I love my library! I think about 95% of the books I read are from the library and I don't know what I would do without it.

2. Goodreads
It is perfect to help me keep track of what I've read and to help me find new books!

3. Other bloggers blogs
Before I started this blog, I read other peoples blogs for about three years. I would not have heard of as many books as I have without them.

4. Author websites
They help me keep track of when an authors books are coming out and I get to read author blogs!

 5. Twitter
Following authors helps me remember when books are coming out that I want to read.
6. Recommendations
My mom recommends books to me and so does the youth librarian at my library.
7. AOL Reader
It helps me keep track of all the blogs I read. It makes it so much easier!
I could only think of seven this week, so tell me what makes your life as a reader/blogger easier! Maybe I'll find some helpful tips.


  1. well that's seven good things you thought of :) Have a nice day. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  2. The first six are the same for me! I've never used AOL Reader, but the rest are all ones that I use often too.


    1. Nice! AOL Reader is my favorite feed reader.

  3. Those are all things that I don't think I thought of!!! :(
    The library is fantastic, especially for stumbling across random books that turn out to be amazing reads~

    1. I love the library so very much! I know, it's just fun to browse and find books you never would have heard of otherwise.


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