
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Top Ten Books I Feel Like People Are Trying to Force Me to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

Okay, instead of doing Top Ten Books I've Been Forced to Read this week, I've decided to do Top Ten Books I Feel Like People Are Trying to Force Me to Read! Because I don't actually get forced to read books. Some of you may stop speaking to me after you read this list and see some of the books I have not read that people have recommended to me. Especially since some of you are the ones who threatened me about them, I mean recommended them to me in the first place. *looks around nervously* but I think you might all be okay with it. We will see. :) Some of these are ones that I do want to read. Some of these are not.

Top Ten Books I Feel like People Are Trying to Force Me to Read

Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling (Do I even need to put the authors name for this one!?)
*ducks flying objects* I have to start with the one that gets the biggest reaction. I have not read Harry Potter. I'm not quite sure why, but I have not read it. And the more time goes on, the harder it gets for me to read it. And the more people recommend it to me.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Same as above, do I really need to put the authors name?)
Yes, I have not read this either! I've seen one of the movies, which I know, so does not count. At all. I get a horrified look when I say I've never read it. And them I'm immediately told too!

Divergent by Veronica Roth
I tried reading this book, I really did! It was just not something that I loved. I still can not tell the youth librarian at my library that. :( She was the one who kept recommending it in the first place. It's her favorite book.

The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
I just talked to someone on twitter about this series the other day. I want to read it, I just have not had time yet! So many people have recommended it to me!

Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
I love MG fantasy and yet I have not read this series. Many people have told me I should. And have I? No. Not yet, at least.

Code Name Verity by by Elizabeth Wein
I DON'T LIKE BOOKS THAT MAKE ME CRY ALL RIGHT!? And from what people have told me, if I read this book I will cry. A lot. People keep telling me I should read it anyway.

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
This is one that people recommended to me that I actually started! And then I lost the copy I was reading when we moved...and have been to lazy to get another one...

Maximum Ride series by James Patterson
I did try this book! And I didn't really like it...Which seems to upset a lot of people who say I need to try it again.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
No, I have not read this one either. I refer you to my thoughts about crying above.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
A major classic that I still have not read. And that people will continue to recommend to me until I do.

*peers out from behind stack of books* Do any of you still like me after that list? Will you still tweet to me? :)

Now that you have seen the books I get recommended the most and *coughs* threatened about! Have any of you been recommended these? Or are you the ones recommending them? Are you going to recommend them to me now? :) Let me know in the comments!

And by the way, I think this was the easiest TTT to write ever!


  1. Wow! I can't believe that you have stayed away from so many books ;-)
    I can try (like everyone else) to convince you that 75% of the books on this list are AMAZING but I guess I'll go easy on you and won't.

    1. Thank you for going easy on me! ;) I know a lot of these books are amazing, I just don't like feeling like I'm being forced to read them! :) I'm sure I'll eventually read a lot of these! :)

  2. And PS I tried the Maximum Ride series also, and couldn't get into it! So don't feel bad about that one!

    1. That makes me feel better about that series! I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)

  3. I absolutely loved Divergent! Also, I have The Hunger Games but have not gotten to read it yet (yes, shame on me). Great choices. :)
    Here is My Top Ten Tuesday
    Xoxo. Daisel @ Owl Always Be Reading

  4. I really didn't cry that much during Code Name Verity. Like once. Same is true for Rose Under Fire. They are very very heavy books but. The emotion kind of came all at once. I was hesitant to read those too, and I'm glad I did even if they aren't necessary FAVORITES. Does that make sense? :)

    1. Yes, that does make sense! Even if I don't personally enjoy a book that much, I still can get something from it! Does that make sense too? :) I'm still not sure about those books though.

  5. Of course I still like you! <3

    I put A Wrinkle in Time on my list for a different reason. xD

    Anne of Green Gables was written a while ago, so it might take a longer time to get into. I did enjoy them in sixth grade but that was when my school library didn't have a lot of cool alternatives.

    Great list, Jessica!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Good! :)

      I enjoyed what I did read of Anne of Green Gables, and I would really like to go back and read it one day! I'll just have to get another copy of it! :)

      Thank you! :)

  6. I actually didn't like Divergent at all, the hype ruined it for me lol Great list!

    1. Yes! Someone else who did not love Divergent! I'm not the only one! :)

  7. Don't worry I have yet to read Code Name Verity either! Everyone has it on their list and say they love it. Your list is great and funny. :)

    1. Good, sometimes it feels like everyone has read it but me! ;) And thank you! :)

  8. Great list! I actually didn't like THG and Divergent the first time I read them but I gave them another shot and they're two of my favorite books now! Maximum Ride, HP, and Percy Jackson are also fabulous. I haven't read Code Name Verify either *hangs head in shame*

    1. Thank you! I may try Divergent again one day. I really want to read Percy Jackson! It sounds like a series I would really enjoy! :)

  9. *ducks with you* I also have not read any HP. Same reason as you, just not feeling it. (And this is okay!) As for CNV... goodness gracious yes that one got to me. SO MUCH, at one point. As did Rose Under Fire (though it was definitely more about teaching something specific than CNV was)! (Speaking of which, I'm throwing a fun giveaway on my blog next week and am giving a RUF away!) As for HG, I never cried reading it but the movie got to me (one particular scene). Go figure! ;) Loved this list, thanks for sharing!

    1. Someone else who has not read HP!!!!!!! Yes!!! Sorry about that, I just don't find many people who haven't read it! ;) See, that's why I don't want to read CNV. I just don't really like books that make me sob. :'( Thank you for commenting! :)

  10. I started reading Harry Potter when it first came out and I loved it from then on out. I made my parents take me at midnight to get the books when they were released, I loved them that much. But everyones taste in books is different, so if it's not something you'll think you'll enjoy then that's fair enough. Plus if you hate crying HP is not for you, I sob pretty much constantly throughout the last book!
    Like HP, I loved The Hunger Games, I think it's one of the greatest books I have ever read. Such a great idea but yet it is quite sad, lots of people die and I always cry like a baby at books.
    I wish I had thought to put Code Name Verity on my list - that was a book I felt forced to read because of everyones recommendations. But I hated it, I seem to be in the minority there but I well and truly hated it!
    My TTT

    1. I think I may enjoy Harry Potter, it's just that so many people love it, I'm afraid I won't. It's like there is a pressure to read it. Do you understand what I mean? It's great how much people love it though! That's interesting that you hated CNV! Everyone I've talked to has loved it! Thank you for commenting on my post! :)

  11. Did I really not comment on this? Wow. Well, I'm shocked/please/insert emotion here about your list! I can understand for a few (P&P was for school for me as well as Anne, but the movies are fantastic), but Hunger Games? You just ripped out my heart. I GUESS I understand...but still. Please. You won't regret it ;)

    1. I really do need to read P&P and Anne! I actually have seen the movies for both of them and I liked them! :) Yes...The Hunger Games...The books just sound so sad! :'( I think I would sob while reading them! Maybe one day...


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