
Monday, November 11, 2013

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This weeks TTT was another hard one! There aren't many covers that I don't like. I only thought of five for this week. I'm pretty happy with most of them. But there are a few that I don't like and wish I could redesign. Here they are!

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall
It's not that I don't like the covers of these books, I do! It's just that I don't think they're very memorable. If I hadn't had a recommendation to read this book, I probably would never have noticed it. And that makes me sad to think about, because these books are so good. I think it needs a redesign so more people would pick it up and try it!

Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm
Again, it's not that I don't like the cover of this book, I do! But this cover does not fit this book at all. Yes, it does take place in Key West. But she only goes to the beach like, once! I mean, it's been awhile since I read it, so I could be remembering it wrong. But to me, it just does not fit the book.

Circus Galacticus by Deva Fagan
This cover. Just, this cover. It's ugly. At least in my opinion. I wonder if the cover is why more people haven't tried this book? Definitely a case of "don't judge a book by it's cover" because this book is really good. The only good thing about the cover is the font at the top.

Rapunzel: The One with all the Hair by Wendy Mass
NO. No no no no no. Horrible, horrible cover for this book. The original cover wasn't bad, I liked the illustration on the cover of it. But this one? Just. No. The Really fake looking hair. The fact that she is wearing a modern dress, when the book is an old fashioned fairy tale. I'm sorry, No.

Beauty and the Beast: The Only One Who Didn't Run Away by Wendy Mass
I do like the cover for this book! It just doesn't fit the story, because if you gave the book a different title, would you guess it's a fairy tale retelling? The time period it takes place in, is definitely not modern. And yet, she's dressed like someone you would see today. It just doesn't work for the book.

There's my TTT list this week! What's on yours?


  1. I haven't read any of these books, but I'm one of those people who judges a book by their covers, and I don't think any of these covers really entice me to pick them up.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My TTT

    1. That's why I wish there were different covers for all of these books! That way more people would be willing to read them! :)

  2. I have to agree, I don't think I would read any of these books based on the covers!

  3. I get what you're saying about The Penderwicks. I have a few books like that where I would have never thought to read them if it just depended on what the cover looked like.
    You can find My TTT here.

  4. I have to agree, I wouldn't be reading these books when I see their covers!

    My TTT :)

  5. I have never seen these covers before, but man oh man do I completely agree with you!

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  6. You know, I actually really like the Penderwicks cover, but I can see what you mean. It's very subdued. I'm a sucker for silhouettes, though.

    I really dislike the Twice Upon a Time covers.

    1. The Penderwicks covers are pretty! But yeah, they just don't stand out.

  7. Heehee I completely agree, they are all pretty awful. I judge books on their covers, I know you shouldn't but I do, and I probably wouldn't be tempted to pick up any of these and read the blurb to see if I wanted to read it or not. My TTT.

    1. I'm pretty sure most people judge books by their covers! Even if we should not! :)

  8. I actually really like the photograph from the Turtle in Paradise cover. I have not read the book, but it is sad that you say that it doesn't match the book's subject because it would have been a great cover otherwise.
    Check out my TTT list:

    1. I really like the cover of it too! Just not for that book. :(

  9. haha! that is really fake looking hair. And its a hot mess, she needs to brush that stuff.

  10. I haven't read any of those books either and yes that hair does look fake!

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    Doris @ OABR

  11. I agree with The Penderwicks. On the one hand I like that they are understated and don't use real people. On the other, they are forgettable. Also boys want to avoid them. I read that book with a group of students and the boys complained about the cover, but LOVED the book.

    1. Yes! I like them, they just don't stand out enough, esp. compared to all the other books out now. Hmm, I didn't think about boys not reading them, I guess the pastels and girls on the cover are why they are turned off? That's sad, because they are such great books.

  12. Ugh, fake hair. Did they not have a budget to produce something a bit more real? I saw a self-pub that had better Rapunzel hair (actually the self-pub was on the gorgeous side). And I agree about the fairytale covers, they're very misleading. I haven't read the books, but if they're NOT in modern day, then WHY is it a modern cover?

    1. I KNOW! When I saw that cover I was just, ugh. What self pub was it? I'm always on the look out for more retellings of Rapunzel. :) Yes! That was my thought! The Rapunzel one originally had an illustrated cover, which wasn't bad. But the reprint of it, and the cover for B&tB? :( I guess they thought if they didn't look modern, people wouldn't pick it up? That's the only reason I can think of. It's not a good reason, but...


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