
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Characterize It 1

This is a new meme was created by Em at The YA Book Butterfly! For more information about it, go here! And for a list of topics for it, go here!

Characterize It: The Heavy Lifter (The strongest female character you've read)

The first female character that comes to mind for me is Cinder, because even after everything she goes through and how people treat her, she doesn't give up. Even if she isn't the strongest physically, I think mentally she is very strong in the book.


  1. Cinder is perfect! Great choice! Thanks for joining in.
    Em @

  2. I agree with you about Cinder being a strong female character. She endures so much. Awesome pick :)

  3. Yes, I love Cinder so much! I love when characters are mentally strong because I think it's so much more fun to read than just being physically tough.

    1. Me too! Even if a character isn't strong in the way that people typically think of, I love it when they are strong mentally! :)


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