
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

1. The feeling of being able to escape into a book whenever I feel like it. Whenever I'm stressed about anything, reading makes me feel better!

2. Being able to talk to other readers about books!

3. Meeting new friends because of that!

4. Learning about books I never would have heard about!
5. Learning about events, author chats, cover reveals, etc.

6. Learning about content of books before I read them!

7. Getting to talk to authors!

8. Talking about books that I love to people who love them, too!

9. Being able to have that feeling of finishing a book I love and wanting to talk to everyone about it!

10. Finding out about contests and once in awhile winning a book is fun!

Why do you love being a blogger/reader?! :)


  1. I agree completely with you on number nine. Since I started blogging, I found a way to gush to anyone that'll sit still about the great books I'm reading. My list is here:

  2. Great picks :) I love being able to escape into a book, it is such a wonderful feeling and can make you forget about your problems for a few hours. My TTT

  3. I love your list. Especially meeting new people through blogging - it's the best!

    1. Thank you! It is neat to talk to people who "get" your love of books, isn't it?! :)

  4. I love reading everyone's TTT, too! Thank you! :)


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