
Monday, June 30, 2014

Top Ten Classics I Want To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

I have to admit that I haven't read that many classics before. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that when it's time to begin a new book, I usually go to books released in the last few years instead. But I'm going to list below a few that I would like to get to... eventually.

Top Ten Classics I Want To Read
Any Jane Austen Books
I would love to read Pride & Prejudice eventually. Any of her books, really.

The Secret Garden
I did read a kids version of this book when I was younger, but I would love to read the full version now. (And also because A Little Princess is my favorite classic that I have read!)

The Great Gatsby
My Mom likes this book a lot, I would like to try it! 

Jane  Eyre
I just feel like I need to read it.

The Outsiders
This is one of my Mom's favorite books, I want to read it eventually!

Sherlock Holmes
They look interesting!

Charlotte's Web
This is one of the books that got my mom reading when she was a kid, need to try it! 

Just want to try it!

Little House Books
I read the picture books when I was little, but never read the actual books. Would like to eventually.

Gone with the Wind
My mom thinks I would enjoy it!

Any Agatha Christie
I think I would like them!

What books are on your TTT? :)


  1. Charlotte's Web is a wonderful book. I haven't read any Agatha Christie in a while, but she's always a good read. Hope you'll check out my list at I haven't read any of these either. I can't believe North and South isn't one I've read before because I enjoy books of that nature. Hope you'll check out my list at

  2. Ahhh yes, I totally need to read The Secret Garden and Agatha Christie as well!!!

  3. Out of all of the books on your list, I think I would recommend Charlotte's Web the most. It's such a cute read!

  4. I am in 100% agreement with this list. Although I think it's pretty tricky to slip in all the Jane Austen novels in just one slot. But yeah, seriously read all of these books. They are all amazing.

  5. :O You haven't read the Little House books or Charlotte's Web??? You need to get on this ASAP, Jessica!
    Here's the link to my TTT:

  6. GONE WITH THE WIND! I really want to read that one so I can watch the movie! Plus, it sounds good--but oh my gosh, it is a THICK book.

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  7. Wow - you should read ALL these books! They are so good! Especially Charlotte's Web and The Secret Garden.

  8. I'm a sucker for Jane Austen books!

  9. Such a great list, Jessica! I need to read most of these as well, especially more Jane Austen and Jane Eyre!


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