
Monday, June 20, 2016

Top Ten Favorite 2016 Releases So Far This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

This was too hard to narrow down to just ten! Which is why I decided to break it up into two lists! The first being YA and MG books (Though, I still managed to list more than ten.), and the second being Graphic Novels and Manga! :)

All of the books listed have released in 2016. Listed in no particular order.

 Top Ten Twenty-Two Favorite 2016 Releases So Far This Year

YA and MG Books:


Graphic Novels and Manga:

What have been your favorite books so far in 2016? :)


  1. These books look absolutely adorable! :-)

  2. What You Always Wanted is on my list of books I need to read. I love that line of stand alone clean reads and Kristin Rae's other book was a favourite of mine. Great list! :D

  3. Such a sweet list! My favourite book so far has been A Court of Mist and Fury, but you can check out the rest of the list on my post:

  4. Ohhhh! Happy to see Love, Lies and Spies on here! I keep meaning to read it but ive been nervous that it might not be as fantastic as I hoped. Will definitely have to read it ASAP now though! Great list! Definitely need to add some books to my TBR now! ( also love how it's impossible to keep it to ten!!!) and yay for Jessica day george making the list! Love her books


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