
Monday, April 17, 2017

Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish blog

I had fun writing this weeks TTT! There are definitely a few things that get my attention when I'm reading about new books to try, and these things are them! And while these things don't guarantee that I will read a book, they definitely get my attention and that means the book has a much higher chance of being read!

Here we go! :)

Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

As soon as I hear a book takes place in a castle, I am instantly interested in it!

Princesses, Princes, Queens, and Kings.
This may relate back to the whole castle thing (And all the Disney movies I watch.), but a book featuring royalty in it definitely gets my attention!

I love mermaid books! Always have.

I'm from Florida, so I'm always interested in reading books set in my home state.

England, France, and Ireland.
These are three countries that I would love to visit one day, so anytime a book takes place in one of those places I want to read it!

I have Lupus, and anytime a book mentions it, it instantly makes me want to read it.

When I Learn a Book is Funny.
If someone tells me a book made them laugh, it usually gets added to the TBR list!

The Ocean.
If a book takes place on, in, or near the ocean, I am definitely interested in it!

Summer is my favorite season, and when I hear a book takes place during it, it gets my attention!

Fairytale Retelling.
When I read that a book is a fairytale retelling, it makes me want to read it!

What makes you instantly want to read a book? :)


  1. So many great things on this list! Yay for all of the fairy tale love - mermaids, castles and princesses/princes! All favorites of mine too. :)

  2. I like funny books, too, but get irritated if they dissolve into slapstick humor. I'm from Washington State and I like reading books set here, so I understand your affinity to Florida fiction. My TTT

  3. I agree with so many of your points! :-) It's nice to read a book set in your hometown.

  4. I haven't read many fairy-tale retellings but I completely understand the attraction!

  5. I love me some retellings and who doesn't find castles fascinating? I love the list! Great picks all great things to adore in books!My Top Ten

  6. My TTT:

  7. Oh, Castles!
    And France and England.
    And summer!
    Great list :)

  8. Love a good castle! Ooh and royalty!
    My TTT:

  9. Hi! I love funny books and books set in England and Ireland :) I love the accents! (Well, the accents I imagine)
    My TTT


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