
Monday, July 10, 2017

Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2018!

Here is my annual post (Inspired by posts Emma does!) about what books I'm looking forward to in the coming year! (A little later in the year than normal, but never mind that!) Below I'm going to be listing the YA books, Middle Grade books, Adult books, Graphic Novels, and Picture Books that I'm looking forward to in 2018! These are fun to put together, and I hope you find something from this post to add to your TBR list! :)

Here we go! :)

As always, I apologize if I get a title, release date, or anything else wrong. I try to make the list accurate, but sometimes things do slip past. All links go to Goodreads. Also, there are some books I'm looking forward to next year that don't have Goodreads pages yet, but I am not including them because I don't want to list inaccurate information about them (Like release date, title, etc.).

Listed by Middle Grade, YA, Adult, Graphic Novels, and Picture Books. Listed in those categories by authors last name. And if there's a * by the book, then (as far as I'm able to tell) it's a debut. Easier to find and support debut authors that way! :)

All of these books look really good! :)

Middle Grade:



Graphic Novels:

Picture Books:

I'm really happy with the amount of books I found this year! Do you want to read any of these? And do you have any recommendations for me? Tell me! :)

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to comment!
It makes me smile! : )