
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Interview With Kamilla Benko!

Today I'm pleased to present an interview with Kamilla Benko! Ms. Benko is the author of the Middle Grade book The Unicorn Quest, which releases January 30th!

Here's the interview!

The bold font are the questions I asked, the regular font are her answers, and the bold italic font are my comments about her answers.

1. Would you please describe your debut book, The Unicorn Quest, in seven words?

Secrets, missing sisters, magical art, unicorns--discovery! 

2. In The Unicorn Quest, Claire and Sophie enter the world of Arden. If you could go into any fantasy world for a day, which world would you choose?

This is an incredibly difficult question for me! I love fantasy worlds of all kinds, from Hogwarts, to Tortall, to Pern, to Red London, and Chrestomanci's England, to Lyra's Oxford, to Bayern, to Kyrria, to Camp Half-Blood and many, many more. So, I'm going to cheat and say I'd like to visit the Woods Between the Worlds in C.S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew with the hope that I'd be able to spend the day jumping into pools and potentially discovering all the other literary fantasy worlds. 

There are a lot of great fantasy worlds! :)

3. Random question! Do you listen to music while you write?

I do! But I can only listen to music without English lyrics, or else I find myself starting to type the lyrics out. This means there's a lot of movie soundtracks, classical music, french cafe, and "ambient medieval music" that pops up on my playlist. I do make an exception to my lyric rule though when it comes to Loreena Mckennitt, though. Her music is so magical! 

4. What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?

Read, read, read!

Good advice! :)

5. What are some books you're looking forward to reading in 2018? And if you've already read some '18 books, which books have you loved?

There are so many I'm looking forward to! One of the best things about being an author is that you get to sneak peak a lot of books. I read and loved Anne Meriano's LOVE SUGAR MAGIC: A Dash of Trouble (Janurary 2) and Sayantani DasGupta's The Serpent's Secret (February 27). 

They both look good! :)

Thank you so much to Ms. Benko for participating in the event! :)

Author bio: Kamilla Benko spent most of her childhood climbing into wardrobes, trying to step through mirrors, and plotting to run away to an art museum. Now, she visits other worlds as a children's book editor. Originoally from Indiana, she currently lives in New York with her bookshelves, teapot, and hiking boots.

Here are a few links:

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It makes me smile! : )