
Thursday, January 4, 2018


I've decided that this year I would like to reread more! I used to reread books all the time, but in the past two years I barely reread at all. Excluding picture books (I reread favorites with my Mom!), I don't usually reread more than one or two books a year. Which makes me sad, because I love to revisit favorite books and series, and knowing what to expect in them is comforting to me. But with the amount of new books that I want to read, and just being busy in general, it just hasn't been that feasible for me to. But this year I have decided I'm going to make an effort to reread some of my favorite books! Now that doesn't mean I'm going to stop reading new books, just that I want to manage my time a bit better so that I'm able to reread more! I thought in this post I would list some books that I would like to reread, to make myself more accountable to it.  I will probably check in later this year, to see just how many I actually have reread.

Oh! And these aren't listed in any particular order.

Here we go! :)

I haven't reread any of these books in awhile, and now that the whole series has been released, I want to reread them all in a row!

I've never reread the Keeper books, probably because they're so long, and it's a major time commitment to reread them. But I really love these books, and I would like to try and reread them before book 7 releases! Which I think is supposed to be this fall!

I feel like I need a reread of this book! I love it, and it's been awhile.

I actually just read this book for the first time two years ago, and I really loved it. I think I would enjoy a reread of it!

As someone who has very bad anxiety, I really relate to Audrey. And the humor in it makes me laugh!

This book makes me laugh, which is a very good reason to reread it!

I used to reread this book every summer, but I haven't in awhile. I want to try this year to!

These are my three favorite Kasie West books, and the three I most want to reread!

I want to reread the first four, so I can finally read the last two books! These are really good books, and I want to finish them!

I haven't reread these in forever! I own part of the series, and the rest I can get from the library. But when I reread these, I might buy the new 10th anniversary editions they published, that way I can read the bonus chapters they added to them!

It's been awhile since I first read this book, and I would like to finally reread it!

There are more books than these that I would like to reread, but I'm trying to not list too many books here. I also know I won't reread all these books this year, but this gives me a good amount to pick from! And I may reread a book not from this list, if I feel like it! I also want to reread a few graphic novels this year, but I'll pick those based on my mood at the moment, rather than in advance. :)

What books would you like to reread? And are you trying to reread more books this year? :)

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