
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Interview With Jennieke Cohen!

Today on the blog I'm pleased to present an interview with Jennieke Cohen! Ms. Cohen is the author of the YA book Dangerous Alliance, which releases later this year.

The bold font are the questions I asked, the regular font are her answers, and the bold italic font are my comments about her answers.

1. Would you please describe your debut book, Dangerous Alliance, in seven words?
London ballrooms, boys, books, and bad guys!

2. Which character from Dangerous Alliance are you most like?
My main character, Vicky, and her older sister, Althea, are modeled on me and my younger sister. Of course, it's not as black and white as that. They both share a lot of our traits, but neither of them are exact replicas of us. Vicky does share my love of books (especially Jane Austen novels), my belief in family, my loyalty to those I love, and my relatively sheltered upbringing. She’s also quite a bit more naive than I was as a teen though!

3. Random Question! If you could travel anywhere in the world at this moment, where would you travel to?
At this moment, I think I'd like somewhere warm, so I’d say Australia since I’ve never been, and it also happens to be summer there right now!

4. What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Don’t talk yourself out of submitting your writing to X contest, or Ms. Bigtime Agent. You’ll never know who will like your writing until you send it to them!

Good advice! :)

5. What are some books you're looking forward to reading in 2019? And if you've already read some '19 books, do you want to mention them?
In YA, I’m really looking forward to Samantha Hastings’s THE LAST WORD, which takes place in Victorian England, Kalyn Josephson’s THE STORM CROW (which I’m currently reading!), and Catherine Tinker’s RECONNECTED, a contemporary version of PERSUASION. In middle grade, I’m super excited for Lisa Schmid’s OLLIE OXLEY AND THE GHOST, Rajani LaRocca’s MIDSUMMER’S MAYHEM, and Julia Nobel’s THE MYSTERY OF BLACK HOLLOW LANE. I’ve already read Kip Wilson’s extremely relevant historical novel in verse, WHITE ROSE, and really enjoyed it! And, although this isn’t a debut, I was lucky enough to read an early version of the last book in Tobie Easton’s Mer chronicles series (IMMERSE), and let me tell you, it is SOO good!! It’s a completely perfect ending to the series, and I can’t wait until the world knows what I’ve known for months!! There are so many other books I can’t wait for, but this answer would be a bit too long, so definitely check out our Novel 19s Website to see all the amazing debuts coming your way!

I'm looking forward to reading a lot of these! :)

Thank you to Ms. Cohen for participating in this event and for letting me interview her! :)

Author bio: Jennieke Cohen (JEN-ih-kuh CO-en) is used to people mispronouncing her name and tries to spare her fictional characters the same problem. Jennieke is the author of the YA historical novel DANGEROUS ALLIANCE, which will be releasing December 3, 2019 from HarperCollins/HarperTeen. She studied English history at Cambridge University and has a master’s degree in professional writing from the University of Southern California. When not writing or researching little-known corners of history, you'll find her singing opera arias and show tunes, over-analyzing old movies, or discovering the best foodie spots in her native Northern California. Read more on Jennieke’s website or find her on Twitter or Instagram @Jennieke_Cohen

Here are a few links:

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