
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cozy Mysteries! Part 1

Hi, everyone! Today I wanted to talk about cozy mysteries. One of the things my Mom loves to read is cozy mysteries, and because of her love of them, I've begun to love them, too! I love the stories, the characters, and the settings. There's something comforting about returning to the same characters and places over and over again. And I love mysteries! I mean, have I mentioned how much I love reading Nancy Drew books? (I might have mentioned it a few times.) So it makes sense that I would love cozy mysteries, too.  (I also love the titles of cozy mysteries!) Today I thought I would talk about a few cozy mysteries I've read, and list a few that I want to read. Tomorrow, I thought I would talk about the Hallmark mystery movies I've watched (Another thing my Mom got me into! She is also where I got my love of Debbie Macomber books.).

Here we go!

Books I've Read:

I've read books #1 through #6, and I hoping to read the rest of the books soon, too. I've really enjoyed reading these books! When I catch up to the current release, I plan on writing a full review for the series on the blog.

I've read the two books that have been released, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next book! 

I've read the first book, with plans to read the rest of them.

Books I Want to Read:

I'm really loving the Library Lover's mysteries by this author, so it makes sense that I would want to read this series by her, too! (Also, my Mom highly recommends this series, too!)

This is another of my Mom's favorite series, and she thinks I would like it too, so it goes on the TBR list!

And another of my Mom's favorite series! I think this series sounds really good!

I love Christmas. I love mysteries. This series seems perfect for me!

I keep hearing good things about these books.

Do you like cozy mysteries? What are some of your favorites? Have you read any of these? And come back tomorrow when I talk about Hallmark mystery movies!  :)


  1. I'm so glad this is your latest recommendation topic, because I've been wanting to read more cozy mysteries! I love a good mystery novel but most are too gruesome or crude for me. I'll have to check these out. :)

    1. This makes me happy to read! :) And yes, I totally agree. I love a good mystery, but a lot of them are too gruesome for me. One of the great things about cozies is that they never describe the violence too much.


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