
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Discussion: To Binge or Not to Binge?

Hi, everyone! Today I wanted to post about something I was talking about the other day, and that's binge reading. I was talking about binge reading, and how I have a hard time with it because even if I LOVE the books I'm reading, I have a hard time staying focused on the same series for more than two in a row. I love the idea of binge reading a whole series, but I've found that I have to add in a different book between the series books to keep my attention.

It's not that I'm not enjoying the series I'm reading. I think it's because I begin to think about all the books on my TBR pile, and how I need to read them all. And then I think about a different genre, and by the time I'm done, I'm losing focus on the book I'm reading, and I need a new book to read. I have discovered that if I read one book in a series, then a totally different book, then the next book in the series, I'm able to stay focused that way.

I'm not that way with TV shows. I'm able to binge watch multiple seasons of a show in a row (Though not multiple seasons in one night!), and keep focused on them. But I think it's because it takes me longer to read a book (One day if I'm able to read the entire day. Up to a week or more if I'm really busy.), than it takes me to watch a TV show episode (thirty-minutes to an hour).

What about you? Do you like to binge read? Or are you like me? Tell me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post.

    Really enjoyed reading it and it held my attention all the way through! Keep it up.

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