
Monday, December 9, 2019

Where I've Been

Hi, everyone. I'm writing this post today to let you know where I've been the past two months. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably already know all this, but I thought I should post something here on the blog to explain where I've been. And if you want to skip this post, I totally understand. I'm going to be talking about some upsetting things, so if you're not in a place where you can read that, I totally understand and completely respect that.

My Mom had to have major surgery towards the end of October. It went well, and I'm very happy to report she's recovering really well from it. But at the time, I just wasn't in the place mentally to write blog posts, and I also didn't have time to, because I was taking care of her during the first two weeks of her recovery. Just when things were getting better with that, our dog got sick. They found out he had cancer, and it was advanced. The Monday before Thanksgiving we had to put him down. We were all devastated. Bruno was a part of our family, and we all took it hard, I couldn't stop crying when it happened. I get emotional now writing this. My depression began to come back stronger, and my brain was trying to go to dark places. I talked to my doctor, who put me on more medicine (to go along with the medicine I was already taking for my anxiety/depression), and between that and prayer, I was able to get to a place where it still hurts, but I'm able to better handle it. I'm always going to miss him, but I'm going to honor his memory by keeping it together mentally as well as I'm able to. He hated it when anyone in the family was sad, and he wouldn't want me to cry all the time. I also wanted to thank everyone on Twitter who responded with kind words when I tweeted about it. It helped more than you know.

I'm also trying to keep busy, because that helps me with my mental state. Which is why I feel like I'm able to go back to blogging now. I have a few posts scheduled, and I'm looking forward to writing a wrap up for the year (because I always think those are fun), and writing my annual books to look forward to in the coming year. I also have the 2020 Debut Author Event coming up in January, so look forward to that!

Thank you for letting me write all this, and I hope you'll look forward to reading my posts coming up.

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