
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Interview With Emma Lord, author of Tweet Cute!

Today I'm happy to present an interview with Emma Lord, author of Tweet Cute, which releases today!

Here's the interview!

The bold font are the questions I asked, the regular font are her answers, and the bold italic font are my comments about her answers.

Would you please describe your book, Tweet Cute, in seven words? 
Yummy, cute, competitive, earnest, hopeful, current, sincere 

Reading Tweet Cute made me so hungry! There were so many good sounding desserts and grilled cheeses in the book. Were any of them based on food you’ve made in real-life?
Oh heck yes! Paige’s “sex positive brownies” were based on a beloved recipe that my sisters and I make at home — except we mix it up and do layers of Rolos, Reese’s, and Oreos between the cookie dough and brownie layers. The others were all ones I made up, but we made Monster Cake in real life, so a recipe is coming soon! 

Once a recipe releases, I definitely want to make Monster Cake! :)

Random Question! If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Oooh, love this question! I actually had a chance to do that out of the blue recently, a full week where I had airline miles saved and nowhere to be. I packed up and solo traveled to Edinburgh on my own, and had a lovely time visiting Harry Potter spots and Christmas markets and cafes and Loch Ness, eating my weight in “millionaire bars” (shortbread with caramel and chocolate), and hiking up green peaks. I think if I had another chance to go anywhere I wanted, though, I’d see where my friends want to go — I’m definitely into the idea of a group trip! 

What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
I’d say the best piece of advice I could give is to write what your heart wants to write. Sometimes I was really down on myself as an author because all I really wanted to write was fan fic, and I thought it wouldn’t help my career — I felt super stalled during periods where I went down fandom rabbit holes. But it was always necessary in the end. It helped me explore tropes and storylines I loved best, and helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses all through my time as a writer. So my advice is to go where the writing winds blow — whether it’s a book idea you think will never sell, or a fan fic, or a short story about something that happened to you in line at the supermarket. Write whatever your fingers are most itching to write. 

That's excellent advice! :)

What are some books you’re looking forward to reading in 2020? And if you’ve already read some ‘20 books, would you like to mention them?
Oh my goodness, I’m obsessed with Hannah Capin’s FOUL IS FAIR and Sophie Gonzales’ ONLY MOSTLY DEVASTATED, and super excited to read Erin Hahn’s MORE THAN MAYBE and the new Hunger Games book from Suzanne Collins. It’s going to be a great year! 

I agree, it is going to be a great year! :)

Thank you to Emma Lord for letting me interview her, and for participating in this event! :)

Here are a few links:


  1. Loved this book so much--my favorite of 2019.

  2. Oh, I'm happy the recipe is coming soon! I loved this book.


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