
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Interview With Annette Schottenfeld!

Hi, everyone! Today I'm pleased to present an interview with Annette Schottenfeld, the author of the upcoming Picture Books, Not So Fast, Max: A Rosh Hashanah Visit With Grandma, illustrated by Jennifer Kirkham (Releases March 2nd!), and Obi's Mud Bath, illustrated by Folasade Adeshida (Releases This Year!)!

The bold font are the questions I asked, the regular font are her answers, and the bold italic font are my comments about her answers.

Hi Jessica. Thank you for having me on your blog!

Would you please describe your book, Obi’s Mud Bath, in seven words?

Determined Rhino, Teamwork, Funny, Ooey, Gooey - Mud 

You have another picture book releasing in 2021. Would you like to tell us a little about Not So Fast, Max?

Sure! This is a book that speaks to my love of family traditions. When Max’s Israeli grandma (his savta) comes for a visit and mentions making caramel apples, he wants to get started right away. Savta says ‘not so fast.’ First, she has something special planned. During her visit, Max and his sister Emily learn some amazing things about their spunky Savta. Together, the threesome come up with a new tradition for Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and in the end, Max discovers that good things are worth the wait.

What is your favorite time of day?

This is a great question. I am definitely a morning person. I love being up before anyone else (super early) and starting my day by doing something active. This is also the most creative time of the day for me and when I did most of my editing for Obi’s Mud Bath. I love the tranquility of the morning hours and knowing that I have the whole day ahead of me.

What is one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?

Read. Read. Read. By reading across all genres, but especially the types of books you are looking to write, you’ll get a feel for what works, what doesn’t work, what resonates with you, what causes you to pull a particular book off the shelf, and what makes a successful book. A writer who reads is on their way to becoming an author!

Great advice! :)

What are some books you’re looking forward to reading in 2021? 

Here are some of the many books I can’t wait to read:

Amira’s Picture Day by Reem Faruqi

Peace by Baptise Paul and Miranda Paul

Flying High: The Story of Gymnastics Champion Simone Biles by Michelle Meadows

The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Saved the Trees by Heather Lang

Bubbe and Bart’s Matzoh Ball Mayhem by Bonnie Grubman

Medusa’s Hair Do-lemma by Jennifer Buchet 

Ooh, I hadn't heard of all of these before! *goes to look them up* :)

Thank you to Annette Schottenfeld for participating in this event! :)

Photo Credit: photo by Andrew Werner

Author Bio: Annette Schottenfeld is passionate about writing for children, hip-hop dance, and environmental issues, believing all have the power to change lives. A registered dietitian and expert baker, she created the decadent Uglie Muffin. Shhh, the recipe is a secret! Annette lives in New York with her husband and two kids. Annette is also the author of Not So Fast, Max: A Rosh Hashanah Visit with Grandma (Kalaniot Books, March 2021) illustrated by Jennifer Kirkham.

You can find Annette online on Twitter, Facebook, or

Book Info: Obi’s Mud Bath (Clear Fork Publishing/Spork Imprint, Summer 2021) written by Annette Schottenfeld and illustrated by Folasade Adeshida. 

Zimbabwe is having a drought, and it's too hot for Obi, a little rhino. On the hunt for a cool, oooey. gooey mud bath, he gets his snout stuck in one mess after another. Finally, Obi realizes that teamwork and some fancy moves with his new friends - an ostrich, giraffe, and elephant - might just help beat the heat. This story is based on an actual event.

Here Are a Few Links:

Her Website

Her Twitter

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to comment!
It makes me smile! : )