
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Want-To-Read Wednesday: Middle Grade!

Want-To-Read Wednesday is a feature on my blog, where every week I share five upcoming books I want to read based on the topic of the week. For more information about it, go here.

Hi, everyone! The topic this week is Middle Grade books. Featuring books with mermaids, boy bands, slime, Disney, and ghosts! I can't wait to read them all!

Once Upon a Tide: A Mermaid's Tale by Stephanie Kate Strohm

Barakah Beats by Maleeha Siddiqui

How to Win a Slime War by Mae Respicio

Lost Legends: The Rise of Flynn Rider (Mischief Makers) by Jen Calonita

What Lives in the Woods by Lindsay Currie

What MG books are on your TBR list? :)


  1. Great choices. I've seen How to Win a Slime War around and am intrigued by it from its title. I'm also looking forward to Kingdom of Secrets.


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