
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Interview With Rebecca Carvalho!

Hi, everyone! Today I'm happy to present an interview with Rebecca Carvalho, the author of Salt and Sugar, which releases in November!

Would you please describe your book, Salt and Sugar, in seven words?

A rom-com about rival bakeries in Brazil.

Salt and Sugar features two Brazilian bakeries. If you walked in one of them, what would you order?

Everything! Salt and Sugar are very strict with their recipes, each providing only savory and sweet treats respectively, so at Salt you’d likely find salgados—party snacks popular in Brazil—like coxinhas filled with catupiry cheese, shrimp empadinhas, corn cake, and bread. At Sugar, you’d find sweets like brigadeiro, surpresas de uva, sonhos filled with cream, and a big assortment of cakes. Their flagship recipe is bolo de rolo, a traditional northeastern roll cake filled with guava.

Random Question! What’s your favorite color?

I go through phases. When I was a kid, I liked red. When I was in college, I used to mostly wear gray. Now I prefer bright yellow, because it reminds me of sunflowers.

What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?

Write and read as much as you can. Explore your voice. Stay open to criticism. Cherish any writing time you get, but I think it's important to know that daydreaming counts as writing, too, even if you don’t see your word count increase. That's something I still struggle with today, but it's okay to let your creativity flourish away from your desk.

What are some books you’re looking forward to reading in 2022? And if you’ve already read some ‘22 books, would you like to mention them?

My TBR list grows endlessly, and I want to read all the 2022 debuts, but the ones I’m the most excited about are:

Ravenous Things by Derrick Chow

Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie

Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things by Maya Prasad

Author Bio: Rebecca Carvalho is a Recifense writer based in Berkeley, California. She loves crafting stories filled with close-knit neighborhoods, Brazilian food, and telenovela-esque settings. When she is not writing, you can find her with her camera, gaming with her husband, or watching Star Trek for the hundredth time. Rebecca has a bachelor’s degree in English from Lawrence University. Salt and Sugar is her debut novel, and it was inspired by her life in northeastern Brazil.

Here Are A Few Links:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so eager to read Salt and Sugar... and to try the recipes in the book! We have to wait for the release, but the recipes I can find now online! ;) Fun!


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