
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Interview With Stacy Stokes!

Hi, everyone! Today I'm happy to present an interview with Stacy Stokes, author of the YA novel, Remember Me Gone, which releases in March!

Would you please describe your book, Remember Me Gone, in seven words?
Stolen memories, small town secrets and romance!

What was the inspiration for the book? 
The idea for REMEMBER ME GONE came to me after watching an episode of True Blood (remember that show from HBO, based on the books by Charlaine Harris?) In the episode, one of the vampires agrees to erase a neighbor’s memories to help him recover from his PTSD. It made me wonder why the vampires didn’t have a business where people could pay to have their unwanted memories erased and, boom, an idea was born. I grew up in Texas and immediately knew the story needed to be set in a small Texas town, in a place nearly as forgotten as the memories people came there to leave behind. It's worth noting that there aren't any vampires in REMEMBER ME GONE even if they helped inspire the book, but there's mystery, speculative elements and lots of twists and turns to keep people guessing. 

Random Question! What’s your favorite movie?
It's a tie between Pan's Labyrinth and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I love that Eternal Sunshine has become one of the comp titles for REMEMBER ME GONE. Even if it wasn't the original inspiration, there's definitely parallels in the theme that I had so much fun exploring. And Pan's Labyrinth is so beautiful and imaginative -- if you haven't seen it I cannot recommend it enough. I rewatch it at least once a year and love it every time.

What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Find a critique group. I joined one about eight years ago and it has made such a difference. Hearing their advice about my writing and listening to them critique each other's work has helped me become a better writer. I don't think I would be where I am today without them. But it's more than just critiquing each other's work -- it's so important to have friends you can navigate the publishing waters with, and I've found that my crit group has been the bedrock of support throughout all the ups and downs. 

Second - and I know this sounds a bit cliche but it's always worth repeating - is to keep going. I racked up well over 100 rejections and had many trunked novels before I found my current agent and REMEMBER ME GONE sold. There were many moments along the way when I thought about giving up, but I'm so glad I didn't. The path to publication can be rough, but it's worth it. Don't give up, no matter where you are in your publishing journey. The only way to guarantee your dream doesn't come true is to stop working toward it. Keep going. Keep writing. Don't give up.

What are some books you’re looking forward to reading in 2022? And if you’ve already read some ‘22 books, would you like to mention them?
Ooh so many! I've had the chance to read a few 22 debuts that I've absolutely loved -- A MAGIC STEEPED IN POISON by Judy I Lin, DAUNTLESS by Elisa A. Bonnin and TURNING POINTE by Vanessa L. Torres. Next up on my 2022 to-read debut list is THE BONE SPINDLE by Leslie Vedder, THIS VICIOUS GRACE by Emily Thiede and HOTEL MAGNIFIQUE by Emily J. Taylor. And that's just naming a few -- there are so many amazing books debuting next year -- I hope readers are excited! 

Author Bio: Stacy Stokes  is a lifelong lover of stories, a former improv comedy geek, and a marketing professional by trade. She graduated with a degree in marketing from the University of Texas at Austin and holds a master’s degree in business from the Wharton School. Stacy lives with her family in the Bay Area. Follow her on Twitter @stacyastokes.

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