
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Midyear Book Freakout Tag!

Hi, everyone! I'm filling out my answers to the Midyear Book Freakout today.

best book you’ve read so far this year?

I've had good luck with books this year, and read some really great books! But my answer for this one is In Myrtle Peril by Elizabeth C. Bunce. It released towards the end of 2022, and I saved it to be my first read of 2023, because I just knew I would love it. And I was right!

best sequel you’ve read so far this year

Okay, I could say In Myrtle Peril again, but for this answer I'm going to go with Curds of Prey by Korina Moss, which is the 3rd book in the Cheese Shop Mysteries. I love this cozy series!

BUT I also want to mention A Love by Design by Elizabeth Everett, which was the 3rd (and final) book in The Secret Scientists of London series. I love all three books in this series so much, and I had to mention this final novel. (Also, I can't wait for Elizabeth's new series beginning next year!)

new release you haven’t read yet but want to?

*laughs* There are A LOT of new releases I haven't read yet! BUT if I have to name just one.... *goes to look at Goodreads TBR shelf* I'm going to go with When You Wish Upon a Lantern by Gloria Chao, who is one of my favorite YA authors. I really look forward to reading it!

most anticipated release for the second half of the year?

Now after the first question I answered, you all know I have to say Myrtle, Means, and Opportunity by Elizabeth C. Bunce, which is the final (*insert sound of sobs*) book in the Myrtle series, and releases in October. I can't wait!

I also have to mention The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter! I grew up reading the Gallagher Girls books, and when I saw she was releasing an adult romance spy novel?? *heart eyes* I just know it's going to be so good. (releases in August!)

biggest disappointment?

I don't want to answer this question...

*skips to next one*

biggest surprise?

I'm going to say All Alone with You by Amelia Diane Coombs. It was a really good surprise! I went into it with really no expectations, because while I thought it sounded good, I didn't know much about it. And I ended up absolutely loving it! I can tell you this is now one of my favorite YA novels.

favorite new author (debut or new to you)?

This is a really difficult question to answer! I've read a lot of debut books this year, and also just a lot of authors who were new to me. I think I'm going to go with... No, I can't decide!

newest fictional crush?

There have been a few this year, but I really loved Ben from Summer Reading by Jenn McKinlay!

newest favorite character?

Pet from Codename Charming Lucy Parker! She was a delightful, quirky character that I loved reading the POV from. (And fun fact: Her love interest, Matthias, was who I almost answered the previous question with!)

book that made you cry?

There have been... a lot. But I'm going to go with It Found Us by Lindsay Currie. I don't want to spoil anyone, so I'll just say there was something towards the end of the book that made me cry. (I also just want to say that this was another wonderfully spooky book by Lindsay Currie!)

book that made you happy?

Woo Hoo! You're Doing Great! by Sandra Boynton! Her books made me so happy when I was little (And they still do! I read her books now, and I still love them.), and this book just made me happy.

most beautiful book you have acquired this year?

I haven't bought many physical copies of books this year...

what books do you need to read before the end of the year?

A lot. Like, a lot. *hides Goodreads TBR shelf from you all*

content creators you've been loving?

Besides all the blogs I still read, I've really been obsessed with booktube this year. A few of my favorite content creators there are Alexandra RoselynHaley Phamkatie is readingmegwithbooks, and oliviareadsalatte. I highly recommend all of their channels!

There we go! My answers to the tag. Now, tell me: What books have been your favorite so far this year? And if you watch booktube, who are your favorite creators there? :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the input on the Bunce series; I like them, but my students are not as thrilled. When You Wish Upon a Lantern by Gloria Chao was really good, and Currie's newest book will be popular, although it didn't make me cry. I may have to look at Blonde Identity, even though it doesn't look quite middle grade. I watched some book tube videos for the first time yesterday and HATED it. So much rambling. So much time.


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