
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Top 24 YA and Middle Grade Books on My Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl blog

There are so many books I want to read this Winter! But to keep this post at least somewhat shorter (though I still ended up with 24 books here), I'm only going to include new releases. But there are a lot of books from this year that I haven't read, that I really want to read! I really got behind on my reading this year (due to many reasons). I want to read lots of books next year! I'm including books from December, January, and February. Also, I know I'm missing some books that I want to read here, but I tried my best to include everything. Here we go! :)

Middle Grade and YA are listed separately. Listed in order of authors last name.

I didn't include Picture Books in this post, because I have very few on my Winter new releases list. Please tell me ones you're looking forward to reading, I would love to add more to my list! 

Also, if you have any Adult book recommendations, please tell me! I could really add more to my list, too!

Middle Grade:


What books are on your Winter TBR list? Tell me! I'm always looking to add new books to my list! :)


  1. Great list!
    I added a few to of them to my list :)

  2. Nice! I also have a Middle Grade in my list:

  3. Good list.

  4. I haven't read any of these yet, but they all sound AMAZING! Happy Reading! :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  5. Heartstrings and other breakable things is on my arc shelf right now I hope it's good!


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