Monday, February 10, 2014

Books to Read in Honor of the Winter Olympics

I searched online for sport books to read that would be good for the Winter Olympics, and I found three blog posts that feature Winter books I've read and loved, or books that I would really like to read! In Bed With Books featured a few that I've read, and a few that I haven't that look really good! And Hardcovers and Heroines featured five that I've never read, but would love to try eventually! And The Hub (The YALSA blog) did a list of figure skating books! :) I'm not going to mention all of the ones that they did, because you should go and read their posts for yourself, but I'm going to list a few below that I've read and loved, and a few that I haven't read that you all may like to try! :)

Figure Skating:

It's been awhile, but I read this a few years ago and really enjoyed it! It's a really short book, but very good!

I really enjoyed this one and may need to go back and reread it!

I had to list this trilogy! I read this book YEARS ago, but I know that I really liked this trilogy! I think I might need to reread these, too! :)

I have this book on hold at the library and I'm looking forward to trying it! :)

I haven't read this book yet, but I've read a few of the shoes books and enjoyed them! :)

Ski Jumping:

This one was really good! :)


I haven't read this one, but Eli Madison recommended it to me on Twitter when I was looking for books with skiing in them! It looks interesting! :)


This was part of a MG series I read awhile ago, but I remember enjoying it! And I think you would be able to read this one without having read the others in the series, too! (But the series is fun, you might want to try the first one, even though it doesn't involve sports in it!)


I've never read this book, but when looking for books about hockey this one looked interesting! :)

Multiple Sports:

I've never read this one and hadn't even heard of it until yesterday, but it looks really good! It's about a hockey player and a figure skater!

Do you know of any other books that feature sports that are in the Winter Olympics?! And are you watching the Olympics this year?! (I am! I LOVE figure skating and snowboarding!) Let me know! :)


  1. Being Sloane Jacobs is a hockey/figure skating book.......It was really cute! Great list, I haven't read any of these. But I did read Ballet Shoes by the same author of Skating Shoes.

    Em @

    1. I want to read that one! Ooh, I like Ballet Shoes a lot! Have you heard of the movie of it? I like it, too! And thank you! :)

  2. This such a cool idea (accidental pun ;) I love ice skating, so I'll definitely be sure to check out Double Twist! Like Em said above, I've heard Being Sloane Jacobs is really good, and you could also check out Out Of Play, which is about a girl ice hockey player - excellent story!!

    1. :) Thank you! That one is really good! Oh, I need to look into that one, thank you! :)

  3. Ooh, I'll have to check these out! I've always been fascinated with Figure Skating, and I loved the Beacon Street Girls when I was younger. :)
    Great post!!!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. Figure skating is interesting sport, I would love to able to figure skate a little bit! Thank you!!!!!!! :)


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