Friday, April 3, 2015

My 2 Year Blogoversary!

Today is Just Another Teen Reading Books 2nd Birthday!!!!!!! I have officially been blogging two years now! Yaaaaaaay! That's kind of insane to think about, especially because I didn't even know if I would be able to keep this blog going for a few months, yet alone two whole years! :)

Today I thought it would be fun to talk about,

Things That I Love About Blogging:

Getting to talk to a lot of awesome bloggers/readers, who have been very kind, and getting to USE ALL CAPS and lots of !!!!!!! in talking with them about books and other geeky things! :)

Getting to talk to (And interview!) wonderful and kind authors! :)

Being able to help promote favorite books, and trying to get people to read them! :)

Getting to talk about upcoming books that I'm looking forward to! :)

Being told by a blog reader that they hadn't heard of a book before reading about it on my blog! (This honestly is one of the best blogging feelings! If you found out about a book on a blog, tell the blogger! I'm pretty sure that would make them happy!) :)

Find out about books I never would have otherwise known about, that have since become favorites! (The blogging world has helped me find out about many, many books that I never would have read, had I not heard about them on another bloggers blog before!) :)

I'm thankful for all the experiences I have gotten to have since beginning this blog! Thank you to all the bloggers, authors, and just the general book geeks who have ever read, commented on, or visited this blog! You all are awesome, amazing, wonderful people! :)

Here's to many more years of blogging, and many more blogoversaries! :)


  1. Happy Blogoversary Jessica! Congratulations!

    Em @

  2. This is a few days later, but happy blogoversary!

  3. JESSICA! I commented a few days ago but my comment didn't go through... :'( I JUST WANTED TO SAY CONGRATS ON YOUR TWO YEAR BLOGOVERSERY! You're blog is one that I just love reading and you have done such an incredible job with it!
    Congrats! :-) <3


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It makes me smile! : )