Monday, February 5, 2018

Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl blog

This is my first week participating in Top Ten Tuesday since it moved to That Artsy Reader Girl! I haven't participated in awhile, but I'm looking forward to listing my picks for this week topic! The topic for Top Ten Tuesday this week is Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read! I feel a little embarassed to say that I haven't read any of these books yet. And seriously, this is just the beginning of books that have been on my TBR list for forever, that I haven't read. I just keep adding books to my list of books to read, and then years go by with my never reading them. I have a problem. But hey, at least I'm never going to run out of books to read? :)

Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

What books have been on your TBR the longest? Tell me, so I don't feel so embarassed about my list! :)


  1. Scarlet is such a good book! I hope you get around to it. :-)

  2. Oh I loved the Lunar Chronicles, I hope you continue on! Good luck in working on your TBR! My Top Ten

  3. Scarlet and the whole Lunar Chronicles are so good! I really hope you get around to reading that one! I remember adding Flirting in Italian to my TBR forever ago too!

  4. Hi! I want to read How Not To Find a Boyfriend! It sounds fun :)


  5. I read Scarlet last year and enjoyed it, I hope you do too. I actually had a Scarlet on my list this week too, but different book, different author!
    My TTT:

  6. The Jerk Magnet sounds like my life story! Great list.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  7. I haven`t picked up The Lunar Chronicles yet, but I would like to read them at one point. Good luck with your reading!

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  8. That cover for How (Not) to Find a Boyfriend is hilarious! My list is definitely a mix of adult, children and teen materials - all over the place!

  9. I hope you get round to finishing The Lunar Chronicles! Scarlet is fantastic, and Cress is my favourite!

    Good choices, feel free to check out my TTT list :)


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