Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Blog Tour: The Wedding Engagement - Review!

Planning a wedding is so romantic . . . except when it’s not yours, and you’re planning it with the guy you’re secretly crushing on.   Scottish schoolteacher Liv Holland has a secret. She’s been carrying a torch for Arran Adebayo, her brother’s best friend, for years. A blind date gone wrong cements in Liv’s mind that Arran has no romantic interest in her whatsoever. But then, with her brother set to marry her own best friend, she and Arran are enlisted to help plan the festivities… After being left at the altar by his ex, single father Arran is having trouble managing his growing feelings towards the woman who is both his best friend’s sister and his son’s Liv. Then his mind is blown when fate thrusts them together for an unexpected blind date, but he messes up his chance to tell her how he feels.   As the big day approaches and Liv and Arran’s connection intensifies, their chemistry chafes against their checkered romantic histories. Risking everything for love could mean losing each other forever . . . or being the next ones to find their happy ever after.
-summary and cover via GOODREADS

Review: This was a great romance! I loved Liv and Arran as characters, going from friends to more. I think weddings/wedding planning make for great book plots (a!ways room for so much drama and humor), so I was definitely happy with that. Overall, this was a delightful romance novel, that I would definitely recommend trying it!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October TBR!

My October TBR list! Will I actually get to read all of these this month? Maybe, maybe not. But I’m going to have fun trying! I’ve been saving a couple of these books until fall got here, because I felt they would be perfect for the autumn vibes. 

I’m particularly looking forward to A MERRY LITTLE MURDER PLOT releasing (the next in my favorite cozy series), and finally reading EMILY WILDE’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FAIRIES (which I have heard so many wonderful things about), but I’m really looking forward to all of these books! I’m currently in the middle of ASSISTANT TO THE VILLAIN, which has been an absolute delight to read!

What books do you want to read this month? :)